If something unexpected happens to you, Payment Protection will cancel or reduce repayment of your loan debt so that you (and your family) don’t have to worry about making payments during a difficult time.

Protected events include:


Loss of life, including those caused by acts of war


Disability, including those caused by acts of war


Involuntary unemployment

With Payment Protection, every eligible member pays the same fee and you only buy enough protection to cover your loan balance. Tying protection directly to your loan means you’ll have exactly the right amount of protection — no more, no less — while helping protect your family, collateral and credit rating.  For eligible borrowers, enrollment in the program is fast, easy and immediate.

Ready? Contact a staff member today!

If something unexpected happens to you, Payment Protection will cancel or reduce repayment of your loan debt so that you (and your family) don’t have to worry about making payments during a difficult time.

Protected events include:


Loss of life, including those caused by acts of war


Disability, including those caused by acts of war


Involuntary unemployment

With Payment Protection, every eligible member pays the same fee and you only buy enough protection to cover your loan balance. Tying protection directly to your loan means you’ll have exactly the right amount of protection — no more, no less — while helping protect your family, collateral and credit rating.  For eligible borrowers, enrollment in the program is fast, easy and immediate.

Ready? Contact a staff member today!

Our Office

1400 Douglas Street - Mailstop 0040
Omaha, Nebraska 68179-1001


Get in Touch

Local: (402) 544-2500
Toll-Free: (800) 370-2260

Text Us
(402) 501- 7473


ABA Routing Number


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